12 At-Home Activity Ideas

If you’re finding yourself with some extra time on your hands, here are some ideas of some ideas to do during your time at home.

1- Stay active. Exercise is helpful to keep energy up & reduce stress. There are tons of free or low cost resources available right now online. A few of my favorites are 15 minute HIIT training, resistance band workouts and I’ve been a longtime user of the Aaptiv app.

2- Get organized! I’ve been using some extra time around the house to finally tend to my basement, pantry, makeup bag, drawers and cupboards. In case you missed it, I revealed I’m an unintentional canned bean hoarder. Organizing and purging always helps me become more self aware…. note to self: STOP buying canned beans!

3- Cook up a new or old favorite recipe. Cooking is extremely soothing to me, I’ve been doing a whole lot of it. Find yourself with a surplus of canned beans? Check out this hummus recipe or escarole + bean soup! I also find cooking up old family recipes is fun… I spent the day Saturday cooking my great grandmother’s sauce and meatballs recipe, saved the process to my highlight. A few other recipe favorites are Skinnytaste, Smitten Kitchen and The Defined Dish.

4- Stay connected. It’s more important now more than ever to check in on each other. I’ve been committing myself to at least one phone call / face time call a day. My friends and I are planning on having a virtual happy hour this weekend - fun way to stay connected and sane. Also don’t forget to check in on your elderly relatives (if you haven’t already).

5- Scroll and support. Check in on your favorite content creators’ platforms, read through old blog posts, watch their Youtube videos. Share, like or comment something kind! I can only speak for myself but I’m sure other bloggers / creators would greatly appreciate the virtual support + kindness as we all navigate what the future is going to look like for all of us. If you happen to be shopping, click through their blog / swipe up links. We make a very small affiliate commission at no additional cost to you. :)

6- Experiment with new makeup + beauty products. Have an eye shadow palette sitting around? Now’s the time to try that smokey eye! Haven’t quite perfected the art of curling your hair? Good time to practice. Always been intimidated to try self tanner? Now’s the time to try without fear of anyone noticing mistakes, see my sunless tanning tips here! Going to come out of this process a bronzed goddess, I can assure you that! LOL

7- Take care of your skin! Stress and diet can do a number on my skin so that’s why I’ve been taking extra precautions to be consistent with my skincare routine- cleanse, tone and moisturize my skin. I have also been dipping into my face mask collection, Brian too- it’s been fun! I will be doing a post tomorrow on my forever skincare favorites, stay tuned! :)

8- Whiten your teeth/ keep up with oral hygiene. You might not have whitening products laying around your house but if you do, use them! One of the most frequently asked questions I get is about my teeth whitening regimen, shared here! You can shop my favorite products on Amazon here (toothpaste and whitening strips).

9- Wash your bras/ delicates! You are sadly mistaken if you thought we’d make it through this list without any sort of undergarment mention (haha). Last week, I shared that you should be washing your bras after every / every other wear to help make them last longer. I shared the scoop on why and best practices on how to wash on this recent blog post! For wire free bra options, click here!

10- Adopt/foster an animal. Depending on your local rules/regulations this may not be the best option for everyone so please use your best judgement, don’t leave your home for unnecessary travel and practice social distancing. However, I’m sure there are lots of animals in shelters that are in need of some extra TLC. You can search online on websites like Petfinder or call your local rescues / look at their Facebook pages. What better time to adapt to a new life in your home than when you have an extended duration of time staying put. You can prepare by ordering their supplies online. A lot more animals are at risk of being euthanized during this time.
Already have a pet?
You can use this time to teach them a new trick or behavior! We’ve been working with a dog trainer recently so I’ve been trying to reinforce some of the things we’ve learned.

11- Unsubscribe to all of the junk email accounts- Hopefully that doesn’t include the one from me - lol! But now is a great time to clear your inbox and get rid of the unwanted clutter there.

12- Prioritize sleep and your mental health. As we know, sleep is incredibly important to your overall health. I have been trying to avoid screen time at least one hour before bed— as blue light increases alertness. I’ve also been trying to be more conscious of my time spent online / watching the news. Follow social media accounts that bring you joy, mute/unfollow accounts that stress you out and limit your consumption. I will be getting to that stack of books I’ve never read!

I hope you found this post helpful. I HIGHLY encourage you to do at least one daily act of self-care. Whether it’s saying three things you are grateful for each morning or night, take a soothing bath, or indulge in a favorite meal or television show—nourishing your mind body and soul is key. Leave any other suggestions/ ideas below. Sending you the BIGGEST virtual hug. Remember, we’re in this together.

xx CMK