When I'm Feeling Overwhelmed

Hasn’t 2020 been quite the year for us all? This unusual time has presented challenges as well as opportunities, and I believe it is important to acknowledge both.  I never could have imagined or dreamed of what has unfolded during these past 8 months. 

We are indeed living through tumultuous times and there are moments when it’s hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel.  Just like any of us, I too get overwhelmed. I always intend for my “corner of the internet” to be a positive, inclusive, and uplifting space. With that said however, being transparent and authentic is also extremely important to me so I would not be truthful if I said there aren't days where I feel just depleted and stressed. In case you also may be feeling this way, know you are not alone.  

National statistics are on the rise for increased susceptibility for anxiety & depression during this pandemic. I am not a medical professional and encourage everyone to seek professional assistance if you are struggling.  

Today I’m here to openly share the six things that help me manage my stress and anxiety.

Step away from social media platforms first thing in the morning:

In previous posts, I have readily shared my morning routine.  A morning routine is important to setting up a productive day for me.  I note that I am my most productive, happiest, energetic self when I don't look at my social media accounts first thing in the morning. If I do, it can cast this spell, sucking me in, which can eventually trigger negative thoughts, although I am deliberate about facilitating positive content. When I do not pick my phone up first thing, it allows me to focus on tackling whatever needs to be done, and mentally prepare for my day ahead, even if it is just to relax or be on social media.  As social media is my career, I acknowledge it is sometimes hard for me to set boundaries with my phone usage and I've been trying to be more strategic and deliberate with its usage.

Make a list: 

When I am feeling overwhelmed, my thoughts are swirling around in my head. It helps me to write those thoughts down on paper or in a note on my phone. I create a list for top items to do on each day Monday through Friday, and then a general "to-do" list to tackle throughout the week. I am a very visual learner and this alleviates my fear that things will be forgotten.  It’s all now there, written for me to easily see!

Focus on your top three daily priorities: 

On particularly overwhelming days, I often feel like I “bit off more than I can chew”. So, I focus on my top three priorities of the day and if I can get those three done, I'm satisfied with that. When my daily list is too long, it feels unmanageable. But if I get my top 3 accomplished and then maybe seek out 1 to 2 more things, I feel like an overachieving rockstar! 

Mastering the art of saying "no" has been a valuable skill I've learned as well, and can help keep that ever growing todo list from becoming too out of control.  Now, saying no without guilt is something I'm still working on! 

Prioritize self care:

Self care takes on different meanings for different people. For me, self care is spending quality time offline with people who mean the most to me, working out, counseling/therapy (kudos to virtual sessions), and taking care of my skin & body are definitely on top of my list. I always think of the quote, "you can't pour from an empty cup" so it's important for me to make sure I'm replenishing my own energy supply.  I have shared with you, and will continue to do so, some of the ways in which I work to nurture my body, mind and soul through self care. 

 Shout out to CBD:

It would feel silly to go through this post without mentioning Equilibria CBD. I previously shared my journey with it here, and cannot recommend it enough. I take the daily drops underneath my tongue in the morning after breakfast, softgels at night and extra drops underneath my tongue when I feel a wave of panic, stress or anxiety, or anticipate a potential situation that may induce those feelings. After using Equilibria CBD products for almost a year now, I can say that it works best with consistency, which is why I have my items on an automatic monthly subscription. It's less costly, convenient and very easy to cancel. If you think you may want to try or are interested in learning more, check out their website and use "caralynmirand" at checkout for a discount.

When all else fails, breathe. 

Really, literally!  This is not silly at all. I actually do stop what I doing to sit, relax and take slow, deep breaths.  In the midst of a chaotic moment, this does help me to regroup, calm or reorganize my thoughts and reset. Then, I am ready to move on and tackle the rest of my day with a touch of increased tranquility.

a few resources to consider:

Happy Not Perfect | BetterHelp | Calm

What do you do when you're feeling overwhelmed? I would love to hear any of your tips and strategies for managing life during this unique time. As always, thanks for reading! xx CMK
